Clergy sexual misconduct: one survivor's voice

For Clergy

Are you practicing good self-care?

* Do you care for yourself physically through healthy eating and drinking, sleeping, exercise and relaxation?

* If you are married or in a committed relationship, do you invest in your relationship to keep it fulfilling and enjoyable?

* Do you enjoy friendships outside your congregation?

* Do you have peers with whom you meet regularly for encouragement and accountability?

Are you at risk of offending?

* Do you offer counseling beyond the scope of your training or responsibility?

* Do you disregard protocols of accountability, such as a limit on the number of counseling sessions?

* Do you look forward to seeing certain congregants, or find yourself fantasizing about them?

* Do you just have a sense that “something isn’t right” in your relationship with a certain congregant?

* Are you considering dating a congregant?

Are you hiring new clergy or staff, and need to screen out potential offenders?

You can get help. Resources include:

FaithTrust Institute: information, training, and consultation for clergy and church leaders.

The Hope of Survivors. Resources for clergy under “Are You a Pastor?”

Clergy Recovery Network: resources and support for clergy and other religious professionals before, during, and after leadership crises.

Faithful and True, a ministry to men and women struggling with sexual addiction or sexual infidelity. Founded by a former pastor/offender and his wife.

Comments on: "For Clergy" (1)

  1. How can I get newest edition of Sex in the forbidden Zone.

    What other books for survivors and also abusers.

    i treat both.

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